Friday, 18 August 2017

Why CPR classes are important and which course to choose

Cardiac arrest is the cause of 98% deaths in the world. The saddest part is, most people who have cardiac arrest can be saved by people around them. The only problem is, those people who are around do not CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation). Can you imagine saving the life of someone who is about to die and leave his/her family behind? That would be something to tell your grandchildren about. But, how will you learn CPR if you are not a doctor? Well, CPR has nothing to do with being a doctor. It is a simple step by step activity that you can learn from the experts and perform on the person who you think is suffering from cardiac arrest.

CPR for one and all

There are numerous organizations that offer CPR training and you can enroll yourself in one of those courses to know exactly how to perform CPR at a time of emergency. However, there are two types of CPR training that you will come across; one is the standard one and the other as a healthcare provider. Depending on the one you choose, you will get a certification accordingly. Millions of people opt for the standard CPR classes practice as the other one is meant for a different section of people serving the society in a different way. These are people who are into firefighting or is a medical assistant or physical therapist or paramedic or nursing assistant or police officer or EMT and from such other profession.

Understanding CPR

It is often a dilemma for people who are trying to learn CPR as to which section they will serve. There are certain people who specializes CPR for infants and children, but the one that everyone should learn is the basic one where both children and adults can be served. Your main objective would be to learn the CPR technique very carefully and see where you have to apply pressure when a person is having cardiac arrest. Also, remember that you have very little time to react and you need to be accurate every single time. So, try to enroll in an organization that is very reputable for CPR classes.


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